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Eperuline® PW LS 9627

The Inflamm'aging protector

INCI: Maltodextrin (and) Eperua falcata Bark Extract

Our body performs less efficiently with age. The once well-oiled cell machinery deteriorates, and we become more sensitive to environmental changes. Everyday aggressors such as UV and pollution trigger the release of pro-inflammatory markers that cause low-grade chronic inflammation that’s distributed across the body. This mechanism, known as inflamm’aging, results in permanent, silent and invisible inflammation. It causes cell degeneration and damages the tissues that maintain the inflammation and leads to accelerated ageing.

To break the vicious circle of silent inflammation, BASF experts developed Eperuline®. Eperuline® PW is an aqueous extract from the bark of the tree Eperua falcata Aubl that has anti-irritation properties. By fighting against age-related chronic micro-inflammation it improves the feel of skin’s firmness, elasticity, and tonicity while reducing the appearance of sagging to maintain a youthful-look.

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