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Rsz 1Gettyimages 653386922
Phase Ingredients INCI % By Weight Function
A Deh... Dist... 2... Emul...
Cos... Poly... 0... Stab...
Cut... Hydr... 1... Cons...
Cut... Pent... 1... Cons...
Cet... Coco... 2... Emol...



Although all statements and information in this publication are believed to be accurate and reliable, they are presented gratis and for guidance only, and the risks and liability for results obtained by use of the products or application of the suggestions described are assumed by the user. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED. The user should not assume that toxicity data and safety measures are indicated or that other measures may not be required. The claims and supporting data provided in this publication have not been evaluated for compliance with any jurisdiction’s regulatory requirements and the results reported may not be generally true under other conditions or in other matrices. Users must evaluate what claims and information are appropriate and comply with a jurisdiction’s regulatory

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