If mRNA is both the messenger and the message itself, ribosomes read and carry out its instructions. As per the message, ribosomes produce proteins that regenerate and protect your skin.
Now let’s go down one more level. There are several types of micro-RNAs that carry out different functions in your body. Let-7b, for example, regulates and neutralizes different types of mRNAs, attempting to keep all these processes in balance.
As you get older, micro-RNAs start to accumulate in greater numbers. When you rack up too many, the little guys end up neutralizing too many mRNAs. That means less protein production in your cells, which is why your skin starts to sag or lose firmness with age.
If that sounds dire, don’t be alarmed: epigenetic science has advanced to the point where we can help regulate these dermal functions and improve the skin’s ability to regenerate. Here’s how.