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Probiotic Moisture Lock - SPF 15


This calming formula is infused with probiotics to help strengthen the skin's barrier. Relipidium™ A00265, a powerful probiotic extract, restabilizes the skin’s microbiome ecosystem and increases natural ceramides to keep skin properly hydrated. Restore balance to bring back youth and vitality - say hello to a radiant, clear complexion and goodbye to dry, irritated problem skin.

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Phase Ingredients INCI % By Weight Function
A Wat... Wate... 6... ...
Plu... PEG-... 1... Hume...
D-P... Pant... 1... Acti...
Eum... Sodi... 0... Emul...
Eux... Phen... 0... Pres...


pH Value (23°C)

5.5 - 6

Viscosity (Brookfield; RVT; spindle 4; 10 rpm; 23°C)

5,000 - 15,000 cPs


Additional performance has not been evaluated.

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