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Texqapon spfup product highlight 2 big

Cleansing Facial Tablet


A facial cleanser tablet designed to be placed in water to activate. In 30 minutes, you will have a completely liquid cleanser ready for gently removing dirt and oil. This anhydrous formula helps cut down on packaging and shipping of water containing products. The combination of Texapon® SFA UP Powder and Eumulgin® SG offers a creamy foam and keeps skin feeling fresh.

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Phase Ingredients INCI % By Weight Function
A Tex... Diso... 1... Surf...
Deh... Guar... 0... Cond...
Eum... Sodi... 1... Emul...
B Cit... Citr... 5... pH A...


Appearance - Off White solid tablet


Additional performance has not been evaluated

Manufacturing Process:

1. Add ingredients in order for Phase A. Note: Texapon SFA UP PWD requires a larger vessel due to low density.

2. In Phase B use a mortar and pestle to break up the powder ingredients if necessary. Add to Phase A ingredients.

3. Shake and mix well ensuring that the powders are homogenous.

4. Note: 1-2% of Sodium Stearyl Fumerate is added to formula prior to pressing tablets in order to lubricate the punch.

Tablet Press Parameters: Automatic filler Styl'One Evolution

Amount of powder: 1.3-1.5g
Force: 1-2 MT/ 20kN
Die + Punch: 15.5mm
Upper Punch Length: 12mm


No microbiological testing has been completed. Sodium Benzoate at 0.5% is added to the formulation for when the tablet is
dissolved in water.


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